3.2.4. prlctl exec, enter

Allow running arbitrary commands in a container.


prlctl exec <CT_name> [--without-shell] <command>
prlctl enter <CT_name>

where <command> is a string to be executed in the container. If <command> is specified as -, then the commands for execution will be read from the standard input until the end of file or exit is encountered.

Table 3.10. Options



Container name.


Run commands directly without bash or cmd shell.

When using prlctl exec, remember that the shell parses the command-line and, if your command has shell metacharacters in it, you should escape or quote them.

The prlctl enter command is similar to prlctl exec /bin/bash. The difference between the two is that prlctl enter makes the shell interpreter believe that it is connected to a terminal. As such, you receive a shell prompt and are able to execute multiple commands as if you were logged in to the container.