3.4.1. vzpkg

The vzpkg utility is used to manage OS and application EZ templates either inside your containers or on the server itself. This tool can also be used to manage standard software packages (e.g., mysql.rpm) inside containers.


vzpkg <command> [<options>] {<CT_name>|<object>}
vzpkg --help

Table 3.24. Commands


install template

Installs OS and application EZ templates on the server.

update template

Updates OS and application EZ templates installed on the server.

remove template

Removes OS and application EZ templates from the server.


Outputs a list of EZ templates, OS template caches with preinstalled application templates, or software packages either on the server or inside a particular container.


Outputs information on any EZ templates or software packages available on the server or inside the container.


Outputs information on updates for the packages installed inside a container.


Adds application EZ templates to or to install software packages inside the container.


Updates application EZ templates and software packages inside the container.


Removes application EZ templates or software packages from the container.

create cache

Creates a tarball (cache) for the given OS EZ template.

update cache

Updates the existing tarball (cache) for the given OS EZ template.

remove cache

Removes a tarball (cache) for the given OS EZ template.

create appcache

Creates a cache of an OS EZ template with preinstalled application templates.

update appcache

Updates or recreates a cache of an OS EZ template with preinstalled application templates.

remove appcache

Removes a cache of an OS EZ template with preinstalled application templates.


Installs a software package inside a container from the corresponding file on the server.


Updates the software packages installed inside your container(s) by means of the vzpkg install or vzpkg localinstall commands.


Upgrades an OS EZ template the container is based on to a newer version.


Downloads packages included in EZ templates to the server and to store them in the vzpkg local cache.


Removes all locally cached data from the template directories on the server.

update metadata

Updates the local metadata on the server.