Connecting Virtual Machines to Virtual Networks

In OpenVZ, you can connect virtual machines to virtual networks of the following types:

  • Bridged virtual network allows the virtual machine to use one of the physical server’s network adapters, which makes it appear as a separate computer on the network the corresponding adapter belongs to.
  • Host-only virtual network allows the virtual machine to access only the hardware node and the virtual machines joined to this network.

By default, any newly created adapter is connected to the Bridged network. To join a virtual machine to another network, use the prlctl set command. For example, the following session demonstrates how you can connect the net0 adapter of the virtual machine MyVM to the network1 virtual network.

Before connecting the virtual machine MyVM to the network1 virtual network, you may wish to check the network adapter associated with this virtual network. You can do it, for example, using the following command:

# prlsrvctl net list
Network ID        Type      Bound To
Host-Only         host-only
Bridged           bridged   enp0s5
network1          bridged   enp0s6

From the command output, you can see that the network1 virtual network is attached to the enp0s6 physical adapter on the hardware node. That means that, after connecting the virtual machine MyVM to the network1 virtual network, the virtual machine will be able to access all computers on the network where the enp0s6 adapter is connected.

Now you can run the following command to join the net1 adapter of the virtual machine MyVM to the network1 virtual network:

# prlctl set MyVM --device-set net0 --network network1
Creating net0 (+) network=network1 mac=001C422D7493
The VM has been successfully configured.