5.3.1. Setting IP Addresses

The session below shows how to set IP addresses for the virtual machine MyVM and the container MyCT

# prlctl set MyVM --device-set net0 --ipadd
# prlctl set MyVM --device-set net0 --ipadd 1fe80::20c:29ff:fe01:fb07
# prlctl set MyCT --ipadd
# prlctl set MyCT --ipadd fe80::20c:29ff:fe01:fb08

net0 in the commands above denotes the network card in the virtual machine MyVM to assign the IP address to. You can view all network cards of a virtual machine using the prlctl list VM_name -i command. For the container MyCT, you do not need to specify the network card name; prlctl set automatically performs the operation on the default adapter that always operates in the host-routed mode.