3.4.3. Viewing Network Traffic Statistics

In OpenVZ, you can view the current network traffic statistics for virtual machines and containers using the vznetstat utility. For example:

# vznetstat
UUID         Net.Class  Input(bytes)  Input(pkts)  Output(bytes)  Output(pkts)
0            0          566093064     2800575      3120481        41736
47406484...  0          67489         155          8033           110
fbb30afa-... 0          9369          78           12692          71

By default, vznetstat shows network statistics for both virtual machines and containers. Keep in mind that the vznetstat utility displays statistics only about virtual machines and containers that were started at least once.

The vznetstat utility displays the following information:



UUID assigned to virtual machine or container.


ID of the network class for which network statistics is calculated.


Amount of incoming traffic, in bytes.


Amount of incoming traffic, in packets.


Amount of outgoing traffic, in bytes.


Amount of outgoing traffic, in packets.

For example, from the command output above, you can see that around 9 MB of data were uploaded to the container MyCT, (2) about 12 MB were downloaded from it, and all the traffic was exchanged with servers from class 0 networks.

If necessary, you can view network traffic statistics separately for virtual machine or container by passing the -t option to vznetstat:

  • For containers only:

    # vznetstat -t ct
    CTID         Net.Class  Input(bytes)  Input(pkts)  Output(bytes)  Output(pkts)
    0            0          566093064     2800575      3120481        41736
    fbb30afa-... 0          9369          78           12692          71
  • For virtual machines only:

    # vznetstat -t vm
    UUID         Net.Class  Input(bytes)  Input(pkts)  Output(bytes)  Output(pkts)
    0            0          566093064     2800575      3120481        41736
    47406484...  0          67489         155          8033           110

You can also view network statistics for a particular virtual machine or container by specifying its ID after the -v option, for example:

# vznetstat -v fbb30afa-e770-4081-9d9e-6b9c262eb091
UUID         Net.Class  Input(bytes)  Input(pkts)  Output(bytes)  Output(pkts)
fbb30afa-... 0          9369          78           12692          71

This command displays statistics only for the container MyCT.