Creating and Deleting Virtual Adapters

A virtual machine can have up to 16 virtual network adapters. Each adapter can be connected to a different network. Let us assume that you want to create a new virtual adapter for the virtual machine MyVM. To do this, you can execute the following command:

# prlctl set MyVM --device-add net
Creating net1 (+) type=host-only iface='default' mac=001C42AF3D69
The VM has been successfully configured.

To check that the network adapter (net1) has been successfully added to the virtual machine, run this command:

# prlctl list --info MyVM
ID: {f3b3d134-f512-324b-b0b1-dbd642f5220b}
Name: Windows XP
net0 () type=host-only iface='default' mac=001C42566BCF
net1 () type=host-only iface='default' mac=001C42AF3D69

At any time, you can remove the newly created network adapter (net1) by executing the following command:

# prlctl set MyVM --device-del net1
Remove the net1 device.
The VM has been successfully configured.